Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Time is moving quickly

Turns out keeping up on a blog is not as easy as I thought it would be. I shall try and improve. So much has happened since i arrived in the city! I have continued to return to Geyserville each weekend for reprieve from the hustle and bustle and the Tenderloin but this weekend I'm staying in the city... primarily so I can make some friends. It's been really strange so far because I am the cool loner chick which is so not me... but I wanted that. I am slowly meeting legitimately interesting people and will, I think, build a group of very diverse people. Classes are of course absolutely FANTASTIC! All of my teachers are so inspiring and knowledgeable, and what characters! My Fashion History prof. has a Mohawk and wore pink corduroys today :)  
All in all I am thoroughly enjoying myself.

A beautiful building

I love how the branches of this dieing tree are visible from both sides... They look so DE-constructed, I really want to translate this into clothing design somehow.

 A the forest surrounding the massive soldier cemetery by Golden Gate Park. It have a very sad and heavy feeling. Mom, Jerome and I hiked there today... Hope I didn't get poison oak.

This is a fantastic mural which I love and see every day on my way to the Fashion building.

Woo China town gates!! This is only about six blocks from my dorm. Man I feel lucky to live here.

This sign seems incredibly unnecessary to me.... there is literally two feet of brush before a cliff, however the city is trying to start a million dollar project to put a net around the bridge to stop people from jumping... so who knows.

There is a man named Miguel living at Isis Oasis who builds these amazing cob structures. They only take him a couple of days and are made from recycled and natural materials. I want to build my Dad a fire pit like this.

Oh goodness! Ghiradelli Chocolate factory.... mmmmmmm.

Chocolate river... is this heaven?